Special newsletter - Men's grooming
What do men want? Navigating Asia's male grooming demand
According to Jamie Mills, associate analyst at Datamonitor Consumer, 54% of Asian males believe their looks and appearance to be important versus 44% in Western Europe.
While it can often be socially unacceptable in many regions to utilize products associated with beauty femininity, Mills tells CosmeticsDesign-Asia.com that a shift in dialogue from male grooming to incorporate male “beauty” is making significant inroads.
While Korean men may have different preferences to those in Thailand for example; demand for cleansing and purification properties is reported to be key across most markets from various analysts.
However, Cosmetics Design breaks down the demand of each market, to guide you, the industry where to target your products.
Flick through this gallery for the latest insight from Datamonitor and Franco-Asian expert agency Information et Information.
IMAGE: A Shanghai supermarket. SOURCE: Agence France-Presse/Getty Images