Minimalist seeker
Nine percent of the global population are minimalist seekers, meaning they try to reduce their waste and place importance on sustainability and community issues. They generally don’t impulse shop.
Here are some key stats for the minimalist seeker:
More than 70% look for ways to simplify life and make a positive environmental impact
Half try not to buy new items unless needed
47% would rather buy fewer, high-quality products
These consumers are fairly likely to exercise and do at-home hobbies at least once a week
About half of minimalist seekers extensively research products and services, read online reviews and compare prices online. They are influenced by family and friend recommendations, independent consumer reviews, and product labels and packaging.
They are unlikely to be influenced by celebrity endorsements, bloggers or social media influencers, and brand or company social media accounts.
Minimalist seekers prefer bargains, high-quality products and repairing products instead of buying new ones.