Tailored beauty products a hit with Australian consumers

By Katie Bird

- Last updated on GMT

Australian consumers are increasingly looking for personal care products that have been designed for their specific needs, according to Datamonitor.

The market research company said that the country’s consumers consider customization benefits to be particularly important when it comes to make-up and personal hygiene products.

According to Datamonitor, 40 percent of consumers feel it is important that products have been designed for their age, gender or other specific needs.

“Consumers are increasingly self-expressive, and expect health and beauty products to address their individual needs, rather than adopting a ‘cookie cutter’ approach to grooming​,” explained Datamonitor researcher Katrina Diamonon.

While personalization benefits were deemed the least important in fragrance, still 25 percent of consumers found this to be significant.

This desire for personalization needs to be reflected in product marketing, she said, concluding that Australians want to be distinct and seek products that facilitate this.

Success in life main motivation

Another finding to come from the company’s research related to the motivations behind the efforts of Australian consumers to improve their appearance.

For Australian consumers the main influence on improving one’s physical appearance is succeeding in life, and not celebrity influences, the market researcher claimed.

“It is important to note that the desire to be or feel physically attractive is not necessarily one-dimensional, nor a product of mere vanity. In fact most Australians believe that looking good is a means of realizing their ambitions,”​ Diamonon noted.

Again, this something marketers should bear in mind, she said, adding that: “…marketing should focus on how they can help consumers achieve success in life, not just look attractive for the sake of it.”

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