L’Oreal outlines plans to double its consumer base by 2020
Alongside a commitment to strengthening its position within key emerging markets to reach their 2020 target of 2 billion customers, the brand is keen to push its ‘digital agenda’.
Head of digital marketing of the Paris-headquartered cosmetics giant’s division in Australia, Christophe Eymery, explains this focus.
“We are focused on key growing markets to get the volume but the fourth pillar of our strategy is to leverage digital and to increase and deliver better beauty education to customers,” he states.
It all forms part of their ongoing strategy of ‘universilization’, which the brand describes as its “ambition to answer all the diverse beauty needs of men and women around the world.”
Digital agenda: forget the TV model
Eymery outlines that the brand’s focus on digital entails engaging with consumers across multiple platforms: brand websites, social media and branded content destinations, mobile apps, and in-store digital screens.
“We have to reinvent our communication model all the time and leverage new touch points,” says the digital marketing executive, explaining the pressure to stay ahead of the curve. “We explore new avenues and keep track of new technologies even before they are launched.”
He dismisses as outdated the current industry focus on television advertising: “there is still a strong belief in the TV model in this business, yet when you look at media consumption, TV has almost been taken over by digital channels and internet consumption.”
“The media mix should no longer be heavily dominated by TV. Marketers are missing the opportunities to further leverage new channels,” he asserts.
Emerging markets
The head of digital also stresses the brand’s focus on off-screen development too, highlighting the global emphasis of their universalization manifesto.
L’Oreal is “conducting research and manufacturing products that will meet the different beauty requirements of all consumers around the world,” he notes.
In an example of this focus, the multinational recently announced that it is pursuing its strategy of reaching new consumers in Sub-Saharan Africa, confirmed by the opening of its new hairdressing institute in South Africa.