Personal Care Truth launches online forum in response to demand
The online forum is an integral part of the website to enable discussion of industry topics, launched as a result of member demand.
“We have received an overwhelming request from our readers to include a forum on the site and are very excited to provide this outlet for them to ask questions, share concerns and voice opinions”, commented co-founder Lisa Rodgers.
Easier dialogue
She added, “We are continually looking to improve upon our website and the methods in which we communicate with our valuable readers.”
Rodgers also highlighted the watchdog’s expectation for the forum to allow readers that would not normally comment on a post, to be more responsive.
“We encourage dialogue and look forward to the topics of discussion that are important to our readers”, she told USA.
In line with this, as well as encouraging communication between PCT and its readers, the forum enables readers to stay abreast of issues important to the industry as well as allowing sharing of views, according to the watchdog.
Kristin Fraser Cotte, co-founder of PCT commented on communication, “[it] is so important in today’s world, where misinformation is easily shared”.
It forms part of the watchdog’s claims as an “advocate for the sharing of truth and dispelling rumors on issues related to the personal care products industry.”
The forum itself contains categories for discussion including ask the experts, general, ingredients, legislative, regulation, science and cosmetic trade organizations.