Rousselot launches anti-aging collagen peptide
The France-based company says the efficacy of its new Peptan Cosmetic range is supported by an independent clinical study to test the two formulations that make up the range – SR marine, which is skin regenerative, and MR marine, which is moisture retentive.
“The results of in-vitro studies which we have conducted using specific grades of hydrolyzed collagen have been particularly positive,” said Caroline Negre, Rousselot marketing manager.
Peptan SR marine effect on wrinkles
The in-vitro test concentrated on the Peptan SR marine formulation, showing that it boosted fibroblast proliferation, while promoting the synthesis of collagen – key structural elements of the dermis that influence skin smoothness.
The in-vitro tests were carried out on a culture of fibroblasts, using a 0.1mg/ml dosage of SR marine for 24 hours, which led to an 18 percent proliferation in the fibroblasts, compared to a control culture.
Likewise, a concentration of 0.01mg/ml used on a culture of fibroblasts over 2 days was reported to induce a 22.5 percent increase in the proliferation of fibroblasts.
Synthesis of collagen by fibroblasts
Likewise, a 1 percent dose of SR marine is said to be an activator of the synthesis of collagen by fibroblasts, which the company claims can enhance the three-dimensional structure of the dermis.
Ultimately this leads to greater dermis cohesion and tonicity and an enhanced extracellular dermal matrix, tackling a lack of firmness and resulting wrinkles.
Rousselot says that, alongside the MR marine ingredient, its Peptan range is available in powder form and because it has no odor and has unique sensory and functional advantages, it is easily incorporated into a range of formulations aimed at the fast-growing nutricosmetics market.