Silab targets oily complexions with new ingredient
ingredient that is to be used in skin care treatments that target
acne prone, oily complexions, with competition between ingredient
manufacturers increasing in this market
The ingredient, Dermapur, is said to help stimulate the cutaneous endogenous defences that, when exposed to elements, can provoke oily complexions.
Oily skin is chiefly caused by over active sebaceous glands present in the facial area, with exfoliation and over washing of oily complexions being the main cause of the outwardly shiny appearance.
With warmer weather in mind, many companies are anticipating the consumer desire for skin treatments that combat the shiny complexions that go hand in hand with these conditions.Silab is challenging competitors with the claim that the ingredient inhibits the growth of two principal bacterial species that help create oily complexions.
The ingredient is derived from the meadowsweet plant that is high in phenolic acids. These acids are well known for their anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties.
By boosting the cellular synthesis of the skins natural antibiotics, cathelicidins, the company says the ingredient regulates the natural anti-bacterial defenses of the skin with its astringent effect, reducing the chance of acne problems.
In order to test its eficacy the company conducted a regulated consumer test on 22 volunteers aged between 18 and 34 over a 28-day period with twice daily applications of the ingredient.
Over this test period it was concluded that the ingredient inhibits s.aureus and p.acnes, the principal bacterial species involved in the microflora disequilibria that causes acne by 82 per cent and 92 per cent respectively when tested at a 5 per cent dosage. Ultimately this reduces the amount of skin lesions by a significant amount.
The company also stated that the study discovered that when used at a four per cent dosage, the ingredient reduces the skin's lipid index by 12 per cent, with 71 per cent of the volunteers reporting a decrease in the skins lipid index.
The astringent effect also affected over 75 per cent of volunteers noticing a significant diameter reduction in skin pores when the ingredient was again used at a four per cent dosage.
Silab has also recently launched an ingredient that is set to target the growing desire for fruit extracts in cosmetic products. Adandarine makes use of a pomegranate extract, butylenes glycol, triethanlamine and punica granaturm, that is claimed to control the microbial proliferation malassezia furfur that is thought to create the dry scalp conditions that can lead to dandruff.