Outdated or unavailable product data can cause a myriad of issues for cosmetics and personal beauty care product manufacturers and suppliers, including impeded sales and interruption in internal company processes, particularly considering impending MoCRA...
Catie Wiggy, product development manager at MyChelle, talks with Cosmetics Design senior correspondent Deanna Utroske about effective natural skin care, including natural suncare and anti-pollution products, the rise in consumer attention to ingredients,...
At in-cosmetics Paris, Cosmetics Design reporter Deanna Utroske sat down with Magali Borel, product manager of IFF Lucas Meyer Cosmetics, to discuss that company’s Defenscalp ingredient.
L’Oréal has invested in technology provider Siemens' latest software in an effort to enhance its global packaging operations and inspire product innovation.
PolyOne has introduced a new additive for FDA-regulated PET
designed for use in health and beauty packaging applications. OnCap
AA scavenger aims to reduce the risk of odor and taste build-up
associated with some types of PET packaging,...