Recent product launches, such as Hellmann’s "parfum de mayonnaise" and Auntie Anne’s pretzel-scented perfume, illustrate a significant trend where "food and beauty sectors merge," creating unique consumer experiences that reflect evolving...
Sulforaphane, an isothiocyanate from broccoli, may increase hair numbers by almost 7% in men and women with androgenic alopecia, says a new study from South Korean cosmeceutical player Gragem Co., Ltd.
At this year’s Indie Beauty Expo in New York City, 2 brands (one in color cosmetics, one in skin care) were showing creative new product collections premised on food. Cosmetics Design checked in with both Gorjue and Byroe at the event to learn about this...
US Senators Chris Murphy and Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut along with Senator Ed Markey of Massachusetts have asked the administration to require the ingredient be listed in the interest of consumer safety.
France-based LMR, an International Flavors and Fragrances (IFF) subsidiary, has received the ISO 14001 certification for its environmentally responsible business practices.
Gimmicky products that blur the boundaries between food and
cosmetic are on the rise, as many companies seek to capitalise on
growing consumer trend for cosmetics containing food-based
ingredients, but according to an expert from...