Class action lawsuit filed against EOS lip care
What consumers are hearing is a story that suggests the allegations may be unfounded. But class action lawyer Mark Geragos asserts that possibly hundreds of thousands of EOS lip balm users may be qualified to pile onto the suit.
Making news
Prominent outlets like,, and TMZ have already covered the case. And, a fixed set of details about Cronin’s experience with the product is making the rounds.
“Cronin said her lips felt like ‘sandpaper’ several hours after using the product,” writes Sarah Begley for Time.
“After she reapplied it to soothe her skin, her lips began to crack, flake and bleed. The next day, she had blisters and rashes on and around her mouth. Her symptoms lasted 10 days,” the item continues.
Industry cynics may jump in to say here that the plaintiff’s assertions are the stuff of urban legend, reminiscent of when Carmex was rumoured to be addictive in the 90s. Meanwhile, chemists speaking up in the popular press are doubtful but not definitively dismissive. spoke with several knowledgeable industry insiders and concluded that “overall, it seems like a bunch of experts haven't found anything really alarming in EOS's ingredient list.”
EOS has responded to the allegations (in an email to Time) saying, “We firmly believe this lawsuit is without merit.”
“Our products are made with the highest quality ingredients and meet or exceed all safety and quality standards set out by our industry and validated by rigorous testing conducted by an independent lab,” the comment continues.
“The health and well-being of our customers is our top priority and millions of satisfied customers use our products every day, many of whom take the time to share their experiences with us.”
Full text of the filing can be found here, complete with photos of the plaintiff’s alleged reaction to the product.