Skincare Ingredients 2013 proves to be big on networking and new trends

By Simon Pitman

- Last updated on GMT

Skincare Ingredients 2013 proves to be big on networking and new trends
The third annual Skincare Ingredients virtual event was wrapped up on June 12th, giving cosmetic ingredients professional an opportunity to network and catch up on the latest industry trends.

A total of 2,557 registrants signed up for the show, of which 45 per cent attended, all of whom had a high level of involvement and interest in the event and actively participated in a variety of activities, including the exhibition and networking areas, as well as the conference programme.

In total 1,081 were in the lobby area, where information about the event and networking opportunities were available, while 992 people looked in on booths from some of the biggest ingredients players in the exhibition area, and 823 actively participated in the conference area.

Average personal attended for most of the day

According to the data from the exhibition platform provider, attendees were not just sweeping through either. The average person spent an average of 4 hours 37 minutes, while each person spent an average of 27 at exhibition booths.

The event also proved to be a great tool for networking, with an average of 17 minutes spent in a total of 235 private chats, which triggered 789 email exchanges and has already led to 11,327 information document downloaded.

Underlining the fact that this was a global event, there was also a wide spread demographic profile of the registrants, with 36 per cent coming from Europe, 32 per cent from North America, 7 per cent from South America and 20 per cent coming from the Asia Pacific region, including Australasia.

Many businesses were primarily involved in the event to network with the ultimate goal of finding new business leads, so it was interesting to discover from the statistics that 68 percent of visitors said they played an active role in the decision to purchase skin care ingredients.

Drilling down on the job description of attendees, the statistics reveal that 42 per cent of attendees were involved in the research and development area, while 21 per cent were in marketing, 16 per cent in general management and 11 per cent in sales.

Conference programme

Of the total of 713 unique viewers that attended the webinar program, each of the five presentations received an average of 354 viewers, while the sponsored supplier webinars attracted an average of 249 viewers.

         Webinar                                                               Number of Viewers

  • Skin care claims – what lies beneath                       445
  • State of the market – Euromonitor                          372
  • Anti-aging product efficacy                                     352
  • At home beauty devices                                         246
  • Karatinocyte-Fibroblast communication                    224

Skincare Ingredients 2014 – Save the date!

And the event returns year, with a bigger and better show planned to showcase the best from the industry, so put Wednesday, June 18th​ 2014 in your diaries.

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