Solixir targets natural drinks line as acne prevention measure
According to nutritionist Dr. Susan Kleiner, teen health and beauty are often inextricably linked to diet, and more specifically the regular consumption of high beverages that are high in sugar and fructose, together with a long list of unpronounceable ingredients.
She has been campaigning, through a number of books and media appearances, to draw awareness to a number of health issues over the years, but most recently has concentrated her efforts to draw attention to the potential health impact that soft drinks can have on teenagers.
Dr. Kleiner claims that a viable solution is natural and botanical based drinks, such as the ones Solixir markets, which can be used as a healthier alternative that can help alleviate some of the negative effects conventional sodas have on the skin.
The expert points out that for teenagers, who often suffer from hormonal imbalances, many of these ingredients cause inflammation in the gut, which in turn leads to high blood sugar ‘overfeeds’ that promote bacteria in the skin’s pores.
The botanical based ingredients included in the company’s new range of drinks, such as Awaken, Relax, Restore, and the most recent addition to the line up, Think, are claimed to be healthier soft drink alternatives and smarter for the body.
More specifically, for teenagers, or people with acne prone skin, the botanical ingredients in these drinks are sources of natural carbohydrates that fuel the body and are rich in anti-oxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds.
According to Dr. Kleiner, the ingredients and the properties they hold, can help to promote and maintain healthier skin, and even serve to contain acne break outs.
Dr. Kleiner is working with Solixir to help promote the skin health properties of the company’s line of drinks and draw awareness to the potentially harmful effects conventional sodas and high energy drinks can have on teenage skin.