Aluminium to be labelled in all US antiperspirants
introduced on 9 December that states all antiperspirants containing
aluminium or aluminium compounds must clearly label the ingredients
on the packaging. Simon Pitman reports.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) ruling says that any antiperspirants containing these substances must carry a 'black box' label that warns consumers of the potential health hazards of aluminium and to keep the products away from children.
According to the FDA, persons with renal dysfunction "have impairment in normal renal excretion of aluminium." The FDA has introduced the labelling in an effort to alert people with abnormal renal excretion levels to consult their doctors over what type of deodorant they use and what is a safe level of aluminium for it to contain. The resulting FDA warning label will read, "Ask your doctor before use if you have kidney disease."
In the past scientific reports have suggested that antiperspirants using aluminium salts have been linked to alzheimers disease and breast cancer, although further scientific research has proved this to be inconclusive.
"Consumers need to know of the potential harmful effects of using aluminum-laden antiperspirants," said Steve Snyder, president and CEO of 21st Century Healthcare.
21st Century Healthcare says that all of its antiperspirants are aluminium-free. Instead of using aluminium, the company uses lichen as an active ingredient to help inhibit odour. Indeed, a number of companies are now starting to promote their antiperspirants on the basis that they are aluminium-free. Swedish company Oriflame, which has built up a significance in the US, also markets a number of aluminium-free deodorant.
According to industry publication, the Rose Sheet, the FDA is concerned that young children and those with immature renal function are "at a higher risk resulting from any exposure to aluminium". The FDA is requiring all products containing aluminium "to inform parents and others to keep these products away from children and to seek professional assistance if accidental ingestion occurs."