RIFM gives safety go ahead for two fragrance ingredients
The organization has published the results of its findings in review, which has been included in a recent edition of the Food and Chemical Toxicology Journals, and is claimed to currently be one of the publication’s most downloaded reports.
The two ingredients are used in a variety of cosmetic and personal care products, together with other consumer goods products, specifically for the household and air care categories.
No toxicity risk
“Based on all the data available, RIFM’s human health safety assessment shows that, at the current levels of use, these materials are practically nonirritating, have a low sensitization potential, no genotoxicity potential and a low order of repeat dose toxicity,” the RIFM review cites.
“The materials were already reviewed by RIFM for environmental impact and showed no grounds for environmental concern, ” leading the organization to conclude that there are ‘no safety concerns for the ingredients.
The safety assessments were based on structural relationship, which the organization claims to enable consistency in predicting the impact of the two ingredients on both toxicity and metabolism.
Tests build on environmental green light
RIFM says that the latest safety tests on Macrocyclic and Cinnamyl Phenyl Propyl build on previous tests it had carried out that indicated that the two ingredients posed no potential risk to the environment.
The RIFM review that contains the information about he safety of the two ingredients is entitled: Toxicologic and Dermatologic Assessments for Three Groups of Fragrance Ingredients: 1) Macrocyclic Ketones, 2) Macrocyclic Lactones and Lactides, 3) Cinnamyl Phenyl Propyl
This review is also included on the RIFM website and within the three groups it contains 24 related Fragrance Material Reviews (FMRs), all of which can be ordered from the organisation’s online store.