Social Media

Rise of social media can drive change following new regulation

Rise of social media can drive change following new regulation


The nature of social media means that information travels faster and whilst this is a great tool for brands to interact with consumers, it is also a great driver for change when you look at the new cosmetics regulation that has come into force.

P&G receives backlash for telling porkies in April fools stunt

P&G receives backlash for telling porkies in April fools stunt

By Michelle Yeomans

As this year’s April fool’s day saw many a corporation show off their lighter side with tongue in cheek stunts, the personal care giant was reminded that not all consumers have a funny bone on announcing that the launch of a 'Scope Bacon mouthwash'...

Social Media

Is your company utilising social media enough?

By Michelle Yeomans

A recent poll carried out by The Allstate Corporation and National Journal highlights that Facebook fans or Twitter followers of a brand are more likely to not only recommend, but also buy from those brands than they were before becoming social media...

Qosmedix's new Oblong Blending Brushes have been given exposure on social media sites

Can social media connect suppliers with consumers?

By Andrew McDougall

Last month packaging and brush supplier Qosmedix launched its official Twitter account and is now utilizing it to connect with consumers by encouraging interaction and highlighting newly launched products.