Barralan makes its stand By Simon Pitman 20-Sep-2015 - Last updated on 21-Sep-2015 at 15:29 GMT Facebook Twitter Linkedin Email to a friend Barralan is one of the major cosmetics and fragrance packaging provider in both Italy and the US, and was making its presence felt during the Cosmopack Symposium with a booth that hosted a significant number of meetings. Cosmopack Symposium New York City 2015, in photos Cosmopack Sympostium New York City 2015, in photos Cosmopack Symposium New York City 2015, in photos Cosmopack Symposium New York City 2015, in photos Cosmopack Symposium New York City 2015, in photos The Cosmopoack Symposium New York City 2015, in photos. Prev 1 2 3 4 5 6 Next