Is Latin America about to turn the page on animal testing?

By Simon Pitman

- Last updated on GMT

Is Latin America about to turn the page on animal testing?
In the LATAM region, the topic of animal testing on cosmetics is still fairly fresh, but if public opinion in Chile is anything to go by, the pressure to ban it could be on if a new poll on public opinion in Chile is anything to go by.

The poll was conducted by Cadem Consultancy on a broad range of consumers in Chile, with 78% of respondents stating that they are opposed to animal testing for cosmetics.

The poll also revealed that an eye-opening 86% of respondents thought that a ban on animal testing for cosmetics should be implemented in the country, in line with all countries in the EU, India, New Zealand and Israel, a total of 37 countries where a total band has already been implemented.

Latin America and animal testing ban

The poll comes as the Chilean parliament continues to mull a bill that aims to ban animal testing on all beauty products and formulations available in the country, and although the proposed regulation appears to be in contrast to many other countries worldwide, it underscores how far such regulation has progressed in the rest of Latin America to date.

No country in Latin America has so far not implemented a complete ban on animal testing for cosmetics, but if this latest poll from Chile is anything to go by, the tide could be about to change thanks to support and pressure from consumers.

HSI has been putting pressuring on to outlaw in animal testing on cosmetics in Chile through its collaborative campaign #BeCruietlyFree, which has done much to raise public awareness about unnecessary animal suffering caused by testing.

Public opinion sways

The poll was commissioned by HIS and ONG Te Projecto, and the organizations claim that the results bare testimony to the fact that the campaigning has helped to turn public opinion in Chile.

“It is heartening to see that the people of Chile share our belief that animal testing for cosmetic products and ingredients is cruel, archaic and should be outlawed,”​ said Camila Cortínez, NGO Te Protejo General Director.

“Our findings should serve as a wake-up call to our government and beauty industry that it’s time for Chile to #BeCrueltyFree."

Chilean parliament mulling a ban

Chilean parliament is currently considering Bill No 10514-11, which was first introduced in 2016 to ban animal testing on cosmetics products and ingredients made in the country, as well as a outlawing the import of products that have been tested on animals.

Change is being encouraged in both Chile and throughout the Latin American region thanks to the Humane Society International (HSI), which has played a significant part in helping to change regulations in various parts of the world.

In particular the organization has been putting pressure on authorities in China, where regulations mean that animal testing has been a requirement for all beauty products that are sold in the country.

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